Cleaning Services
Apartment Complex Cleaning
in Des Moines, IA
Are you a property manager, realtor, or private customer? Partner with Paragon to make the turnover process smooth and hassle-free with our Des Moines area apartment cleaning services. With Paragon at work, moving day will be a breeze.
Paragon Cleaning Service
Keep Your Property Clean And Safe

We will make your apartment complex tidy and dirt-free. Our cleaning process is exhaustive and meticulous.
We make sure to deep clean all common areas, hallways, and laundry areas. We will also employ our proven carpet cleaning method to deep-clean any carpeted areas. After we work our magic, the overall image of your apartment complex will be enhanced.
Paragon Cleaning Service
Move-In Move-Out Cleaning

We specialize in move-in move-out apartment cleaning in Des Moines. When the previous tenants vacate an apartment and it needs to be in tip top shape for the incoming tenants – we are the ones you want to call.
When we do something – we do it right. Whether you are the previous tenants, the new tenants, or the apartment manager, our Des Moines team’s apartment cleaning skills will make your life much easier.
