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Paragon Cleaning Service

Preparing Your Upholstery for the Summer Season

As the summer season approaches, it’s time to spruce up your living space and get your upholstery ready for the warmer months ahead. From outdoor adventures to family gatherings, your upholstery faces increased usage during this time. To ensure its longevity and keep it looking clean and fresh, we’ve compiled a guide on preparing your upholstery for the upcoming summer season and maintaining its cleanliness throughout.

Regular Vacuuming

Before diving into any deeper cleaning, begin by thoroughly vacuuming your upholstery. Use an upholstery attachment to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris from the surface and crevices. This step will prepare the upholstery for further cleaning and prevent any dirt from embedding deeper during the process.

Check the Manufacturer's Cleaning Instructions

Different upholstery materials require specific cleaning methods, so it’s crucial to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for proper care. Whether you have cotton, linen, leather, or microfiber upholstery, following the recommended cleaning guidelines will help preserve its quality and prevent any potential damage.

Spot Clean Stains Promptly

Accidents happen, especially during summer gatherings or when enjoying meals on the couch. To prevent stains from setting in, address them promptly. Blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb excess liquid, being careful not to rub it into the fabric. Use a mild cleaning solution recommended for your upholstery type to treat the stain, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Regularly Rotate and Flip Cushions

To maintain even wear and prevent excessive fading or sagging in certain areas, it’s beneficial to rotate and flip your cushions regularly. This simple practice distributes the weight and usage more evenly, ensuring a longer lifespan for your upholstery. Additionally, rotating and fluffing the cushions helps maintain their shape and comfort.

Professional Upholstery Cleaning by Paragon Cleaning

For a thorough and deep cleaning, consider hiring professional upholstery cleaners. They have the expertise, equipment, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to effectively remove embedded dirt, allergens, and odors from your upholstery. Professional cleaning can revitalize your furniture, making it look and feel fresh for the summer season.

Prevention is key to keeping your upholstery clean and fresh. Encourage family members and guests to avoid eating or drinking on the upholstery, especially with potentially staining substances. Place washable, removable covers on your furniture during gatherings or if you have young children or pets. Regularly dust and vacuum the surrounding areas to minimize dust and debris pile up on your furniture.

Preparing and maintaining clean upholstery for the upcoming summer season is essential for a comfortable and inviting living space. By following these tips, including regular vacuuming, spot cleaning stains, rotating cushions, scheduling professional cleanings by Paragon Cleaning, and implementing preventive measures, you can keep your upholstery looking its best throughout the summer and beyond. Schedule your upholstery cleaning today by calling us at (515)-868-3491 or schedule here 

Enjoy the upcoming hot season while relaxing on fresh, clean, and well-maintained upholstery, enhancing both the aesthetics and the comfort of your home!


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